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Isotopes of Neodymium
Notable Isotopes show graph
142Nd [82 neutrons]
Abundance: 27.13%
Stable with 82 neutrons
143Nd [83 neutrons]
Abundance: 12.18%
Stable with 83 neutrons
144Nd [84 neutrons]
Abundance: 23.8%
Half life: 2.29 x 1015 years [ Alpha Decay ]
Decay Energy: 1.905 MeV
Decays to 140Ce.
145Nd [85 neutrons]
Abundance: 8.3%
Stable with 85 neutrons
146Nd [86 neutrons]
Abundance: 17.19%
Stable with 86 neutrons
148Nd [88 neutrons]
Abundance: 5.76%
Stable with 88 neutrons
150Nd [90 neutrons]
Abundance: 5.64%
Half life: 1.1 x 1019 years [ Double beta decay ]
Decay Energy: 3.367 MeV
Decays to 150Sm.